Flaxseed Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Flaxseed Oil",<br />"description":"Flaxseed oil is sourced from the flax plant Linum usitatissimum, commonly known as Linseed. Flaxseed oil has the highest ALA content (the plant form of Omega 3) of any vegetarian source. Its 3:1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 helps reverse the dietary imbalance typically present in the western style diet.",</p>
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<p><a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/ingredients-glossary/flaxseed/">Flaxseed </a>oil taken to supplement dietary essential fatty acids is unrelated to the New Zealand flax plant (harakeke of the genus Phormium), which is really a lily unique to New Zealand. Flaxseed oil is sourced from the flax plant Linum usitatissimum, from the Linaceae family native to eastern Europe and parts of Asia, commonly known as Linseed. New Zealand Flaxseed oil is produced from a blue flowered, annual crop grown mainly in the South Island.</p>
<h3>Flaxseed Oil Benefits</h3>
<p>Research has linked Flaxseed oil to improved outcomes in coronary heart disease, heart arrhythmias, blood pressure, cholesterol reduction, artery health, cancer prevention, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, menopausal symptoms, excess weight gain, stress response, injury prevention, joint pain, arthritis, digestive function and constipation, Alzheimer’s symptoms, acne, skin condition and cognitive function.</p>
<p>Flaxseed oil contains 60% Omega 3 (alpha linolenic acid), 20% Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and 20% Omega 9 (oleic acid). This is a 3:1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, helping reverse the dietary imbalance present in the western style diet.</p>
<p>Flaxseed oil has the highest ALA content (the plant form of Omega 3) of any vegetarian source. This is definitely the most stable form because it contains high amounts of the protective antioxidant Vitamin E, compared with fish oil Omega 3s which do not.</p>
<h3>Flaxseed Oil Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>When taken by adults within the recommended dosage range there are no adverse effects and Flaxseed oil is non-toxic. People with either diabetes or schizophrenia may have problems converting ALA to EPA and DHA, so fish oil (a rich source of these), rather than flaxseed oil is recommended in these cases.</p>
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